As humans, we all need a break from our hectic schedules and employees are no exception in
matter. While I believe that the above statement is true, it may not always be worth giving a longer holiday to the employees.
Linking Words
, employers must offer fringe benefits Linking Words
as extended holidays to employees so as to motivate them to do better. A highly motivated employee is likely to perform much better than one who has a significantly low willpower. Linking Words
, viewing Linking Words
issue in an everyday context, we know for a fact that ordinary people are Linking Words
more determined to complete a given task if they are bound by a promise- to receive a reward upon the successful completion of the task. Linking Words
, it is evident that an employee who is motivated with the much needed lengthy break would be more dedicated and employers can surely benefit from their input.
On the other side of the coin, if a holiday extension is offered to employees, they may become less serious about the work they do. Linking Words
For instance
, an employee who has just returned from a 2 week holiday may have lost touch with their everyday works and may simply not be in the mood to resume their mundane routine. Linking Words
is because they become resistant to holidays and gradually lose interest in work, resulting in a need for kick-start activities or the provision of financial incentives to keep them on-track. Linking Words
, business expenditure may escalate and employers may eventually incur a loss.
In a nutshell, I strongly believe that non-financial incentives like extra holidays must be offered to employees in order to keep their spirits high and encourage them to excel in all aspects of work life. That being said, employers must Linking Words
be aware of the aftermath effects that may surface up post a long break from their job.Linking Words