You have lost an item of value on a train. Write a letter to the railway company. In your letter • describe the item • explain where and when you left it • say what action you would like the company to take

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing
letter to report the loss of my personal valuable item on one of your train. The item was a black leather wallet with a 'Superior' brand name embossed on both sides. It had some identification documents
as my National Identity card, my automated teller machine(A.T.M) card and
, it contained some cash in which
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was precisely two thousand Kenyan shilling notes. I must have lost it at around 10.30 in the morning while I was in the toilet.
was when I was travelling on the Standard gauge railway(S.G.R) train on Saturday, 4th. April 2020. If I remember correctly, I had booked
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class carriage and my seat number was 2C. If you find my wallet, please don't hesitate to call me
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0757373380. If hopefully by any chance you retrieved my wallet, kindly keep it in a safe place and I would arrange to come
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your nearest train station centre. Yours faithfully, Said Ali
Submitted by saidrehmtulla on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • valuable
  • distinguishing features
  • route
  • carriage
  • seat number
  • lost and found department
  • appropriate steps
  • contact information
  • swift and positive action
  • item of value
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