It is often believed by a few sections of society that the government should finance classes for music, dance and arts.
, others believe that it must be the responsibility of the local organisations and parents of the children.
essay will discuss
the Remove the article
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both sides of the argument and
I will present my own perspective which is that the governing bodies of the state should provide funds for these activities.
On the one hand, it is often thought that the government should finance the art and cultural subjects
as music and dance for the students.
, the main reason for
is that they have more
resourceFix the agreement mistake
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to fund the expensive
equipmentsChange the wording
types of equipment
pieces of equipment
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needed to run the
top qualityAdd a hyphen
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, the other benefit of the
state fundedAdd a hyphen
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lesson is that it can help promote these subjects on a wider scale.
, many countries provide these lessons for free which
turn to benefitVerb problem
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the highest number of talented people in
the Correct article usage
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some people,
of state funding, private businesses or children's families should fund these lessons. They believe that private funding is better because in that case teachers are more flexible and they can adapt the methods to the needs of the individual
and Correct word choice
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another advantage of private classes is the time and length of the lesson
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
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more flexible.
, individual courses devote more time and
effortsFix the agreement mistake
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as compared to the courses available for free.
, they are usually either
one to oneAdd a hyphen
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or individual so there are more chances for feedback and support.
, in conclusion, I believe that the government should provide money for music, dance and arts
of individual businesses or children's
familyFix the agreement mistake
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because they have more financial resources and to promote these
orCorrect your spelling
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largerCorrect article usage
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scalesFix the agreement mistake
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