According to a few people, the developed countries must act more responsibly to face and protect the environmental changes than the developing countries whereas the rest of them believe that every country must take the responsibility and action
. In my opinion, both of these categories must share an equal effort in securing the climatic changes because, all the great nations are financially strong to take necessary actions and Linking Words
, due to the high population in the poorer states, their part plays a vital role.
To take proper action in improving the climate, financial support is utmost necessary which is abundant in rich nations. With an efficient and necessary expenditure, they can fight these problems easily and delay the hazards for many years. Linking Words
For instance
, many of them like the UK have established expensive environmental friendly transportation to restrict the release of poisonous gases into the air. Linking Words
, these countries must use their finances and help to protect them.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the population of most of the developing nations is quite high, that they have to self-realise and do their part in securing the climate. By establishing proper rules and regulations that need to be followed by every individual, it will help fight Linking Words
with unity. Linking Words
For example
, in Delhi, India, the air pollution reached to an emergency level for which government has imposed a law which allows public transport only for particular days, Linking Words
law helped them to control the increase of air pollution. Linking Words
, the highly populated country should participate to do their best in achieving global harmony.
In conclusion, Linking Words
, many citizens think only a developed country must take the whole duty towards badly evolved climate, it is every state's mere job, as playing their part would give a chance to use the financial and unified support and fight these battles.Linking Words