Some businesses prohibit smoking in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree that this is the right course of action? Give reasons for your opinion.

Nowadays, some companies prevent smoking in any of their offices.
, It is forbidden to smoke in public places
according to
some countries. I strongly agree with banning smoking
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because it causes fatal effects not only on people's lives but
on the environment .
Capitalize word
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essay, I will support my opinion with examples.
, there is no doubt that smoking is a bad habit that folks should quit.
is because it does not only harm smokers' bodies but
has a detrimental impact on non-smokers' health. To illustrate, a non-smoker who sits next to a smoker will unconsciously inhale the dangerous chemicals that cigarettes produce.
for example
, studies showed that people who do not smoke but sit next to smokers may suffer from the same serious diseases that smokers might experience,
as lung cancer, bronchitis , high blood pressure, tumours, respiratory problems and cardiac problems.
, countries that prohibit lighting cigarettes in all public places , have clean air .
Capitalize word
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a consequence, the environment is extremely healthy so the plants and animals inspire good air and that leads to these countries
Wrong verb form
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nutritious food.
For example
, recent research showed that air pollution affects how healthy the animals and plants are. and in return , how healthy the nation is.
To conclude
, I support that preventing the inhalation of bad elements in offices and in all public places is a must that every government should do to protect
Fix the agreement mistake
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health and to save nature from pollution.
Submitted by thraa58 on

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coherence and cohesion
Ensure to clearly introduce and conclude your essay to provide a strong framework for your argument.
task response
Your points are well-supported with relevant examples and explanations, which strengthens your argument. Consider providing more specific evidence to further enhance the clarity of your ideas.
task response
Clear and strong stance on the topic
coherence and cohesion
Well-supported arguments with relevant examples
coherence and cohesion
Effective use of transitions to connect ideas
Topic Vocabulary:
  • secondhand smoke
  • respiratory diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • workplace productivity
  • illness-related absences
  • environmental pollution
  • discarded cigarette butts
  • economic considerations
  • healthcare costs
  • de-normalize tobacco use
  • smoke-free culture
  • initiation of smoking
  • duty of care
  • public health policy
  • healthier employees
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