A big salary is much more important than job satisfaction do you agree or disagree?

Many consider that a fat paycheque holds greater importance than
satisfaction. Though I agree that a good earning is important, I believe one equally needs fulfilment via their
to be happy in life and
, a mix of both items is required. A big salary is considered more significant by some as it can make their lives more comfortable. If an individual has a sizable income stream, they can spend that amount to buy anything they need, which in turn makes them happy.
In addition
, individuals having bigger bank balances are often more respected in most societies as they are believed to be pillars of success, which
strengthens one’s desire to prioritize big money over
For example
, most youngsters adore entrepreneurs like Elon Musk due to the insane amount of money they made via their business irrespective of the fact whether they like their
or not.
As a result
, many individuals prefer earning more than liking their jobs. Having said that, I reckon
satisfaction is
important as it gives them a long-term inner joy which no money can guarantee. Unless one is content with their
profile, they cannot feel the pleasure of growing in life, which is a key indicator of one’s happiness.
, content employees are a great asset to the organisation as they provide long-term value to the business and the working culture.
For instance
, numerous studies have proved that big paycheques can motivate people only to a limited extent as one
fulfilment to keep them happy.
contentment is
super significant for individuals. To conclude, a decent remuneration and the feeling of being content with their
holds major significance in one’s mind. People are advised to find a balance between both items to lead a happy life.
Submitted by harmanp85 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • remuneration
  • financial security
  • motivation
  • luxuries
  • material possessions
  • fulfillment
  • work-life balance
  • stress levels
  • mental well-being
  • job security
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