You have a full-time job and also doing a part-time evening course. You have find out that you can not continue the course. Write a letter to your teacher. In your letter, 1) describe your situation 2) explain why you can not continue at this time 3) say what action you would like to take.

Dear Sir/Madam, Hope you are doing good! I am writing
letter to express my concern about rescheduling my part-time evening course. I hope that you are aware that I got a full-time job opportunity as a software engineer.
, being a fresher I had to work late nights to complete my assigned work. It's really time-consuming to learn the process of the company and the technology.
, I am being assigned pieces of training which need to be completed within the ETA. Overall, I find it tough in managing my job and the part-time course.
, my part-time classes are more important which will help to reach my career goals. I could see online that
course can opt for at weekends.
, I request to schedule my part-time classes to be held only on the weekends. which would make me focus on the program and get the maximum benefit. Expecting your response on the same. Yours sincerely, Vivek V
Submitted by vivekv4 on

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