As most people a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

As a majority of adult life is spent working, mental peace is essential to achieve which is only possible through
essay will state that a healthy working environment and a suitable salary are the primary factors for
, and expectations of the workers are highly unachievable. One of the primary factors needed to contribute satisfying
is a friendly environment.
That is
to say that, a place where co-workers support each other and provide healthy competition leads to enjoyment of work.
For example
, 45% of working adults prefer to go office to feel refreshed after staying at home.
shows that
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friendly working place would provide fun work resulting in mental peace.
, It cannot be denied that the importance of salary is
a leading factor in
is mostly because a profession which will fulfil the needs and wants of an individual would provide happiness to the family and to the person, possibly leading to well-being.
For instance
, a company which pays bonuses and other benefits with the jobs are shown to have more productive outcomes from employees.
shows that better pay leads to better productivity and mental peace. The extent of the expectation of
is extremely unrealistic as everything cannot be provided during
an economical crisis. To be more clear, most good-paying companies demands overload outputs and extra working hours resulting in frustrations and disruption of healthy workplace surrounding.
For instance
, a survey showed decreased number of outings among colleagues, when the workload of the company increases.
shows that there is no
ideal setting for companies which can facilitate their employer totally as they themselves are under an economical crisis. In conclusion,
a healthy environment and a good pay scale are the key points for
with well-being, it is important to realise that these expectations are not realistic in
an economic crisis situation.
Submitted by nottasadaf96 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • job satisfaction
  • wellbeing
  • contribute
  • meaningful work
  • work-life balance
  • career progression
  • workplace environment
  • recognition
  • constructive feedback
  • compensation
  • benefits
  • job security
  • autonomy
  • skills match
  • interests match
  • variety
  • challenge
  • economic conditions
  • labor market
  • individual expectations
  • job role
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