Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Enormous wages is over more vital to work
. It is often argued, that
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a high
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salary is much more important than the
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of job
associated with the career. I definitely disagree with the statement,
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and will
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details in the course of the essay.
To begin
with, it might seem rewarding to earn a high salary,
, it does come at a risk of fulfilment. People who choose their line of work based on interest tend to perform diligently and provide greater results.
provides a sense of fulfilment that no high-paid profession can offer.
For instance
, scientists who start their research with a low budget and wages perform tasks day and night to achieve a scientific breakthrough and,
, their contribution towards society gives them the pleasure of working in the field of their interest.
, the public who opt for a high-paid occupation solely based on monetary benefits often
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challenges in terms of motivation and career growth. They force themselves to go to work every morning with no motivation, whereas, individuals who prefer
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a high
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salary are self-motivated. if they decide to put in additional effort in order to achieve the desired outcome, they would work around the clock and achieve the results.
As a result
, they attain career growth and success in their life in the form of both wealth and fame.
For instance
, there are many people, nowadays, who are resigning from their desk jobs paying millions and started working on switching their hobbies into professions,
as painting and writing books. In conclusion,
it is impossible to deny the importance of money for our survival, I personally believe that job
is much more primal for an individual to thrive. After thorough reasons, it is evident that the
associated with the role has proven to be of utmost importance when compared to the financial
Submitted by Allazhar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • remuneration
  • financial security
  • motivation
  • luxuries
  • material possessions
  • fulfillment
  • work-life balance
  • stress levels
  • mental well-being
  • job security
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