You have just received a credit card statement from your bank. The statement lists a number of expensive purchases that you are sure you did not make. Write a letter to the bank manager. In the letter: • Introduce yourself. • Explain that you did not buy the items listed. • Say what you would like the bank to do to fix the problem.
Dear sir/ madam ,
I am writing
letter to you to let you know about the mistakes that I have noticed in the credit Linking Words
statement that I received recently.
My name is Arun Prakash and I am a customer of your bank. I use my Use synonyms
for most of my purchases. I always keep count of my online shopping and review it every week. My account number is 12345678.
I noticed that some of the items listed in the credit Use synonyms
statement were not purchased from my side. I think it is a scam and someone else is using my password without my knowledge.
I kindly request you cancel my credit Use synonyms
and issue a new one as early as possible.Use synonyms
,I request you strengthen your online security system to prevent Linking Words
kind of fraud activity in the future. I would really appreciate it if you could look into Linking Words
matter and come up with a solution.
Thank you for reading my letter and I expect a reply soon.
Yours sincerelyLinking Words
Submitted by arunprakash1086 on
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