The bar chart compares the proportions of Japanese kids of different age profiles participating in four activity types in 2018.
It is clear that
watching TV was by far the most popular activity for children in all age groups, especially the youngest, Linking Words
children were Linking Words
less interested in playing computer games.
Around 90 per cent of children aged 5 to 8 enjoyed sitting in front of the telly, and Linking Words
popularity could be seen in the other two groups as well, with figures of 80 per cent each. More or less 60% of Japanese kids aged 5 to 11 years were Linking Words
willing to spend time reading, playing computer games and riding bicycles.
Linking Words
, looking at the figures for 12- to 16-year-olds, cycling was considered by more than 80% of Linking Words
age group to be one of the activities they would like to participate in. A mere 40%, meanwhile, prefer to play computer games, which is a much lower figure than for the other two groups.Linking Words