The table below gives information about the USA's top exports in 2021 and the percentage change with 2020. The bar chart shows the percentage of the USA exports sent to the UK between 2010 and 2020.

The table below gives information about the USA's top exports in 2021 and the percentage change with 2020. The bar chart shows the percentage of the USA exports sent to the UK between 2010 and 2020.
The table illustrates the most five popular exportations in the United States
as well as
their annual percentage change
the table shows the
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the united
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united states
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United States
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to the UK between 2010 and 2020.
, electric vehicles had the rank number one among the exportations,
petroleum accounted for the lowest. The other three gold, jets and medication were in the middle.
On the other hand
, the
from the United States to the UK went down over the period given. Looking first at the table, electric vehicles reported 28
, followed by gold and jet at 20,1
and 20.5
respectively. On the fourth position, medication at 19.1
and on the bottom petroleum at 17
. In terms of annual change, all the
went down except
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medication which increased
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1,5%. Turning to the graph, the US
to the UK declined from 60% in 2010 to over 40% in 2020.
Submitted by murrobetania on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Replace the words exportation, bn with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "table" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "change" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "went down" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • exports
  • percentage change
  • data presented
  • timeframe
  • highlighting
  • significant
  • analysis of trends
  • patterns
  • correlation
  • demand
  • potential reasons
  • economic factors
  • political factors
  • social reasons
  • speculation
  • export landscape
  • global events
  • pandemic
  • influenced
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