The first process illustrates how silkworm is grown over 4 main steps and the second diagram shows silk cloth is produced by hand-made way in a factory.
, there are 4 parts in the first picture that initiate spawning butterflies and some eggs are made. In the Linking Words
stage, the cocoon is converted into a mature silkworm called a moth. Linking Words
In addition
, the second process begins with selecting cocoons and ending with, weaving many threads and being transformed into dye.
There are some eggs at the beginning of the period, following which some silkworm larvas are made and they consume mulberry loaves as the food to stay alive. After 4 to 6 weeks some silk threads are made by natural process.
Regarding the second diagram, the number of cocoons is selected to be placed into the large dish. After being bolled, some wet cocoons are unwinded and some threads are created that they have approximately 300-900m in length. Linking Words
, dyes are produced.Linking Words