Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

There is no denying the fact that
have to face some difficult
in their lives.
it is a commonly held belief that it would be better for us to accept bad
, there is
an argument that trying to improve
would be better.
essay will discuss
topic from both points of view, and express my opinion. On one hand, accepting a bad situation would be the storage way for your brain to protect you from the hard feelings.
In other words
Correct article usage
the human's
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brain has been created to handle the mission of protecting
from sadness by prompting us to stay in our comfort zones.
In addition
, it is a convenient idea to raise your satisfaction level in challenging
technique will help you survive and continue.
For example
, sometimes you will find yourself in a difficult situation but it is not easy to change, and it will be easier for you to skip the hard feelings and continue.
On the other hand
, improving ourselves is crucial to achieve our goals. It is
possible to say that if you will not step out
Change preposition
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your comfort zone,
you will not achieve your dreams.
have to follow their passions in having their dream jobs or having a luxurious living level, and all of these dreams will merely stay dreams if they do not work hard and conquer their fears.
For instance
, if you have an exam, and you are tending to an excellent score, you have to study hard. In conclusion, there are no easy answers to
question. On balance,
, I tend to believe that
have to seek success, and
Correct pronoun usage
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Correct subject-verb agreement
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to improve their skills in order to achieve great opportunities.
Submitted by shaymaa.khalaf91 on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that your introduction clearly presents the topic and outlines the structure of the essay. Your introduction should clearly state what the essay will discuss and what your position is.
coherence cohesion
Make sure that each paragraph has a clear central idea and that this idea is supported by evidence or examples. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence.
coherence cohesion
Your conclusion should summarize the main points made in your essay and state your final position clearly. It should not introduce new ideas.
task achievement
Ensure that you address all parts of the task. This includes discussing both views and giving your own opinion.
task achievement
Develop your ideas fully to meet the task requirement. You need to expand on the points made with clearer explanations and more detailed examples.
task achievement
Use a wider range of grammatical structures and vocabulary. This will help you express your ideas more effectively and accurately.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • adversity
  • resilience
  • stoicism
  • contentment
  • cope
  • adapt
  • endure
  • persevere
  • settle
  • ambition
  • tenacious
  • determined
  • resourceful
  • optimistic
  • self-improvement
  • proactive
  • initiative
  • transform
  • overcome
  • confront
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