The world of work is changing rapidly and employees cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life. Discuss the possible causes for this rapid change, and suggest ways of preparing people for the world of work in the future. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

With the advancement in technology, the demand of employers is changing significantly which means that employees may not be able to continue their current job or have a similar work environment forever.
essay will discuss the reasons for
transformation mainly the introduction of technical devices and the demand for educational degrees and will
highlight proposals for employees to acquaint them with innovative gadgetry and enhance their knowledge of relevant fields.
To begin
, one of the major developments in the modern workplace is increased reliance on the computer and the Internet.
means that the individuals meant for record-keeping are no longer required in any organization.To illustrate, the banking sector has dismissed a number of workers for the sake of using computers to do their jobs.
, social media and the electronic version of newspapers have caused the printing press to lose its popularity, which has forced
individuals to look for other alternatives.
In addition
, the ever-growing competition has pushed the managers to hire those applicants, who have acquired more professional degrees. In order to deal with evolving circumstances, the populace should prepare for a better job prospect in the future.
can be done by enhancing the proficiency in use of modern technology.If a person is more computer-literate, he will have more chances of securing a slot in any company.
, people should try to attain a higher education in order to increase their probability of selection in any institute,
For instance
, Shifa International Hospital in Pakistan prefers those doctors who have specialization in their respective fields. In conclusion, the dilemma of rapidly changing work requirements is mainly because of technological advances and the demand for professional competence.To adjust to
changing milieu, workers should
their competency in handling technology and obtain specialized qualifications in any subject.
Submitted by alishah2294 on

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task achievement
Your essay effectively addresses the task, covering the causes of the changing work environment and suggesting ways to prepare for future work. However, try to provide more specific examples to support your points.
coherence cohesion
Organize your ideas into clear paragraphs. Each major idea should have its own paragraph, helping the reader to follow your argument more easily.
coherence cohesion
Enhance the logical flow within and between paragraphs. Use appropriate linking words and phrases to ensure a smoother transition from one idea to another.
coherence cohesion
You have given a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing your discussion.
task achievement
Your essay presents comprehensive ideas about the changing requirements of the workplace and proposes relevant solutions.

Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Automation
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Robotics
  • Globalization
  • Outsourcing
  • Freelance work
  • Flexibility
  • Job Security
  • Education reform
  • Critical thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Continuous education
  • Retraining programs
  • Legislation
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Competitive edge
  • Work-life balance
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