The line graph shows the percentage of renewable energy generation over total energy produced in 6 countries from 2010 to 2013

The line graph shows the percentage of renewable energy generation over total energy produced in 6 countries from 2010 to 2013
The line graph illustrates Spain, France, India, China,
, and the US in terms of how much renewable
was produced by these nations over a 3-year period from 2010 to 2013 . it is noticeable that the proportions of clean power production in 6 countries registered dramatic upward trends .
, increased sharply to surpass the other nations , being the leading country in green
generation. In the year 2010 , the percentage of sustainable
production in China was the highest number , consisting of about 20% , which was almost 5% and 9% higher than that of India and the US respectively . During the next year , the figure for China saw a significant decline to 18% , compared to 17% in the data of India, at which point they grew again to over 20% and 18% respectively in 2013 .
By contrast
, a rapid rise to roughly 13% in 2011 was widespread in the level of the US , after which it remained stable
at the end
of the period . From 2010 onwards, approximately 17%, 12%,and 13% of clean
generation came from
, Spain and France respectively . After that ,
jumped suddenly to precisely 25% in 2013,
both Spain and France witnessed steady growth to over 16% and exactly 15% , reaching their highest number throughout the surveyed period .
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Vocabulary: Replace the words germany, energy with synonyms.
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