Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people thimk that, in today's world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important tham History. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The debate over comparing the significance of scientific and historical courses has sparked considerable controversy.
some believe that
should be replaced completely with Science and Technology courses, others and I contend that
subjects are of equal importance
due to
the reasons
elaborates on.
To begin
with, the significance of historical subjects is grasped through the knowledge they cultivate in students. With individuals being more aware of their historical background, they foster a sense of identity.
, without
feeling of belonging, they wouldn't acknowledge the novelty of their country, leading to less commitment to their society.
, they'd contribute less to their community, well regardless of their academic background and expertise. Take Iran as an example; where once institutes had removed
from the academic curriculum, the number of pupils migrating to other countries accumulated substantially.
situation clearly highlights the negative effect of neglecting a society's previous ways of life.
On the contrary
, some claim that
due to
the rapid pace of the Information Age, schools should divert their attention and resources to technological courses so that
knowledge could assist students to keep up with the fast speed of modern life.
, they emphasize that historical subjects may bore pupils, exhausting their energy and occupying their mental capacity reserved for learning science.In the USA,
for instance
, where
topics have been totally removed, the number of novel inventions and scientific discoveries is higher than in parts of the world.
, despite some accuracy to
perspective, it shouldn't be pursued at the cost of neglecting a community's cultural heritage;
, it is essential to incorporate both of these areas into the academic curriculum.
To conclude
some advocate for focusing solely on cultivating science-related topics in pupils, I firmly believe that they should strike a balance between teaching youngsters about modern life topics and their historical background. On
occasion only, society can enjoy the expertise they have gained.
Submitted by bita.rezaei7052 on

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Task Achievement
In your introduction, you should clearly state both views rather than implying opposition. This would make it more straightforward and provide clear guidance for the reader.
Coherence and Cohesion
Ensure each body paragraph is distinctly focused on one particular point or interpretation. Mixing arguments within a paragraph can make it harder for the reader to follow your line of reasoning.
Coherence and Cohesion
Work on a smooth transition between ideas to improve the overall flow of the essay. This will help enhance the logical structure and readability.
Task Achievement
You've provided relevant specific examples, which effectively support your arguments, such as the example of Iran.
Introduction and Conclusion Present
Your conclusion succinctly summarizes the essay and reiterates your balanced viewpoint, which gives clarity to your stance.
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