IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A group of individuals present the view that history is a vital subject in schools and it is important that children be taught about the past, whereas others blieve due to this modern world, subject such as science and t
Nowadays, many people agree that History is one of the most essential subjects in school. Others agree that subjects like Science and Technology are more necessary than History. This essay will discuss both views on whet
Nowaday, many people agree that History is one of the most essential subjects in school. Others agree that subjects like Science and Technology are more necessary than History. This essay will analy two of views and also
Some people argue that courses in history should be a top priority in the school curriculum, whereas others claim that nowadays courses related to science and technology have greater importance than history classes. I ag
Students study different subjects in school nowadays, and there is a constant debate about which subjects are more crucial. Some believe that History is one of the most important subjects while others stand for Science a
There is an argument about two ideas which consider the importance of learning subjects like History, Science, and Technology. One group claims that Science and Technology are more essential these days.
The debate over comparing the significance of scientific and historical courses has sparked considerable controversy. While some believe that History should be replaced completely with Science and Technology courses, oth
As in any other plant living in the transitional area between the ocean and terrestrial zone, mangroves undergo more dynamic environmental stress as they simultaneously face stress from both zones. For this reason, mangr
It is believed by some that history should be taught more in schools, while others argue that subjects like science and technology are more important due to the nature of our modern world. Both perspectives have their me
Some people believe that history subjects are less important than another lesson such as science and technology.In my opinion, both of them are significant for all students to educate.
Education is very important for every student. Although some people argue that in today's world teaching Science and Technology is more useful, Others feel all subjects should be taught with equal importance. I will disc
Schools which follow traditional education have taught the same topics since ancient times. Therefore, many people argue that 'History' should be widely learnt, considering it one of the vital subjects. Nevertheless, the
Schools which follow the traditional education has taught the same topics since ancient times. Therefore, many people argue that 'History' should be widely learnt, considering it one of the vital subjects. Nevertheless,
Some individuals claim that acquiring history is one of the most important school courses, while others believe that science and technology are more significant in today's society. We cannot compare those subjects, becau
In contemporary times, there exists a paramount emphasis on the important level of school subjects, eliciting a plethora of debates on this topic. Several individuals think that history is one of the most important schoo
In contemporary times, there exists a paramount emphasis on the important level of school subjects, eliciting a plethora of debates on this topic. Several individuals think that history is one of the most important schoo
In today's world, science and technology have become more popular than history, particularly because technical knowledge and skills are updated quickly. Some argue that science and technology will lead our world toward a
With the advancement of technology and science, citizens’ lives have dramatically changed these days. Some people argue that history should be considered one of the most significant academic disciplines, while others dis
It is thought by a selection of individuals that History is an utmost subject in schools while others believe that Science or technology-related are more remarkable. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before
With the advancement of science and technology, citizen's lives have dramatiaclly changed in these days. Some people argue that hisotry should be considered one of the essential subjects, while others disagree with this,
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