Most people in the world need to work in order to lead a decent life or even just to survive. Many workers are motivated by money: if the job pays well, they are willing to do it. However, some people are not concerned with the size of their pay packet: they simply enjoy their job and choose to do it whether they earn a high salary or not. What is more important – salary or job satisfaction? Discuss and give reasons for your answer.

many argue that high-paid employment is more motivating in comparison to enjoyable ones, others think that freedom and joy at the workplace define their preference. In
essay, I will explain both sides' mentality and why I give my credit to
-based choosers. First and foremost, we all work for
and it has always been on
, our employment sometimes costs us more than
earned. Being arduous, earning requires complete dedication and mental effort.
situation sometimes causes serious disorders
as depression, anxiety or even obsession. In order not to experience
unpleasant conditions, individuals need to be satisfied with their salaries so that they can get more enjoyable jobs.
For instance
, crafters are more likely to be happier than white-collar office workers.
On the other hand
, many people work not only for themselves but
for their families. On
occasions, people look for more
to make their family's living. Especially they struggle to earn ample
for their children. In large families, having earned,
goes immediately.
reason, earners in the family do not care about their sake whether it is well.
, they may look for second employment which makes the situation even worse. If every individual had been paid
Change the word
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, they would have sought
Change preposition
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enjoyable jobs. In conclusion, the balance of joy at work and payment is vital in order to sustain wellness. Yet, it might not be applied to those who live for not only themselves.
can be the first requirement
Add the comma(s)
, unfortunately
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Submitted by TUTOO on

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task achievement
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear and distinct main idea. Your task response can be improved by further clarifying and expanding on some points, especially in the second body paragraph.
coherence cohesion
Use more linking words and phrases effectively to make the essay flow smoother. Improve the transitions between ideas within paragraphs.
task achievement
Provide more specific examples to support your points. This will make your argument stronger and more persuasive.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction clearly lays out the two perspectives and your position, which helps in setting the tone for the essay.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion neatly summarizes your main arguments and clearly states your stance on the topic.
logical structure
You have a good logical structure overall, with each paragraph addressing a specific point related to the main topic.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • intrinsic value
  • remuneration
  • psychological benefits
  • sense of purpose
  • financial stress
  • facilitating
  • comfortable lifestyle
  • moderate income
  • job contentment
  • fulfilling life
  • societal norms
  • economic conditions
  • personal circumstances
  • valuation
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