Some organisations believe that their employees should dress smartly. Others value quality of work above appearance. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

People argue about the importance of following a
code in the workplace.
, others believe employees should have the freedom to choose what they wear. As far as I am concerned, I think different professions need different types of uniforms. In
essay, I will discuss both views and explain the reasons behind my opinion.
To begin
with, organisations cherish employee backgrounds and cultures. In
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companies, employees come from different countries with different beliefs,
, obligating them to wear uniforms is not a good idea to show respect to staff members. To be more clear, Muslim women are a shining example of
matter, they have their own beliefs and
according to
their religion, it's a scarf on the head called a "Hijab". If they are found to follow
codes, many times these women tend to quit
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As a result
, the manager loses an
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due to
On the contrary
, others believe that those who
aptly at work, perform better in the field and reflect a positive impact on the company. In some workplaces, uniforms are a necessity for the employees because staff are the face of the organisation they represent, they deal with customer issues regularly. To illustrate, in research based on passenger experiences, the more elegant the flight attendant uniform, the more likely the passengers will choose the airline.
, the company will gain money and
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a reputation
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based on dressing smartly. In conclusion, it seems clear that every job field has different types of flexibility in the way of dressing. 
the way of dressing reflects a better impact on the customers, I think respecting other religions and cultures is highly valuable.
Submitted by Ayreen🍒 on

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task achievement
Your essay addresses both views of the topic, which is essential. To further enhance your Task Response score, ensure that every argument is thoroughly developed and supported with more precise or varied examples.
coherence cohesion
While your ideas are clearly presented and related, consider using linking phrases more effectively to connect different points within paragraphs and between them. This will improve the logical flow of your essay.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame your discussion.
relevant specific examples
You have successfully included relevant examples to back up your points, such as the example of Muslim women's dress code and the airline flight attendants, which add depth to your arguments.
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