You recently noticed a local restaurant that was offering a part-time job. Write a letter to the restaurant's manager. In your letter, • explain that you would like to apply for the job • give some details of any relevant experience that you have • specify the days and times that would suit you

Dear Sir or Madam, I'm writing
letter to express my interest in the part-time job. The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is a position that I want. I would like to apply for your chef position. I hope that I
Wrong verb form
show examples
be able to manage
Change preposition
show examples
my tasks much better.
, If I
Correct your spelling
about my relevant details, I have worked at the restaurant for eight
Change to a plural noun
show examples
. That's why I have enough experience
Change preposition
show examples
working as a chef. I'm sure that I'm
Add an article
a confident
show examples
and outgoing person. I promise
for working
Change preposition
to work
show examples
by heart.
. Since I have an extra lesson on even days, I would like to ask you to move the work to an odd day. If I talk about
Add an article
the time
show examples
of the job, I would like to
Add the particle
prefer to
show examples
Change preposition
at 12,00
show examples
Correct word choice
and until
show examples
20:00 pm because other times I can't catch up to the job. I look forward hearing from you and I look forward to receiving your explanation. Your faithfully, Jasmina
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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task response
You have adequately responded to the task by mentioning your interest in the job, your relevant experience, and your availability. However, providing more specifics about your work as a chef can strengthen your application.
coherence and cohesion
The letter is generally well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Enhance coherence by linking your sentences and paragraphs more smoothly.
coherence and cohesion
Some sentences could be clearer. For instance, 'I hope that I would be able to manage my tasks much better' could be improved to 'I believe I am well-suited to manage the responsibilities effectively.'
suitable writing tone
The letter has a polite and professional tone, which is appropriate for the context.
complete response
You clearly indicated your interest in the job and your relevant experience, which shows you understand the task requirements.
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