The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
There are two diagrams which illustrate the life cycle of the silkworm in four steps and
how a
cloth is produced.
, the life cycle
, started with eggs, larvae, and
thread until it changed to a moth. In the next
, the process of producing
cloth begins with the selection part to boiling twisting and weaving putting it in a potting to be dyed. It can be seen that the first step in the life cycle
is eggs that must be passed 10 days to change into silkworm larvae. At
stage, the silkworms eat mulberry leaves to grow but it must take time between 4 to 6 weeks to be a
, about 3 to 8 days is taken to change into a cocoon. Eventually, after 16 days each cocoon is transformed into a moth. The production of the
started from the selection part. In
part, they select suitable cocoons and put them into a big pot to be boiled in water. After that, they unwind it 300m to 900m thread twist it, and make a weave. In the
step, they put it into a pot to be dyed.
Submitted by brightstargalaxy on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words silk, diagram with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Only 4 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "diagrams" was used 5 times.
Vocabulary: The word "changed" was used 3 times.
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