While some suggest the best way to combat climate change is by having a carbon tax on large corporations’ activities, others think that individuals paying tax on their own carbon footprints will have a greater impact. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

To tackle climate change some think that
tax should be levied on big companies' projects. Others suggest taxing a person's
footprint is a better approach.
individual taxes are a good idea for generating awareness, I believe
-taxing multinational institutions make more sense because they pollute our environment the most. Levying
duties on individual purchases is one way to fight the effect of climatic irregularities. More people knowingly or unknowingly are contributing to the cause.
sheds light on the global issue, which is being increasingly ignored. The growing popularity in itself will ensure that others grow increasingly conscious, and in turn, limit their
For example
, India has introduced a policy of tax benefits on interest on every loan taken against the purchase of an electric vehicle. Through
move, the country has seen a significant price uptick in eco-friendly cars and bikes.
, I believe
is not enough,
, large organizations should be taxed heavily on their
exhaustions. Large companies require a great amount of energy to run.
energy is produced by the burning of non-renewable energy sources, which has disastrous consequences on nature. If we can stop
from happening, and ensure that they turn to renewable energies,
most of our work would be done.
For instance
, if regulatory authorities tax the industries running on thermal powerplants, in that case, their cost per unit
increases, thereby bringing down profits. The moment
is caught in their P&L statements, they'll eventually look for economic alternatives.
is why, I believe that the key to combatting sudden floods, tsunamis, droughts, wildfires etc is by placing these agents of pollution under
duties. In conclusion, introducing tariffs on MNCs for every
expenditure should be adopted. And the idea of
to be done on an individual level is flawed.
Submitted by majumdarnilesh21 on

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task achievement
Your essay does well to address both sides of the argument and includes your opinion clearly. To enhance your score, ensure that you provide slightly more balanced arguments for both views before concluding with your opinion.
coherence cohesion
Work on improving the logical flow between sentences and paragraphs with more varied linking phrases and cohesive devices. This will enhance the reader's ability to follow your argument.
introduction conclusion present
Your introduction effectively sets the tone for the essay and succinctly captures the essence of the debate.
relevant specific examples
You have provided relevant specific examples, such as the policy in India, which supports your main points effectively.
clear comprehensive ideas
Your essay stays mostly on topic and presents clear and comprehensive ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • carbon tax
  • greenhouse gas emissions
  • environmental degradation
  • sustainable practices
  • incentivized
  • behavioral change
  • personal responsibility
  • local sustainability projects
  • community involvement
  • collective impact
  • accountability
  • societal shifts
  • innovate
  • financial capabilities
  • technological advancements
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