In our contemporary era, people's perspectives regarding job opportunities are with considerable variations.
some individuals claim that it is more crucial to spend the working hours in any profession with passion. Others,
, insist on the idea,
ifCorrect word choice
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gainedAdd a missing verb
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, it would be
betterCorrect article usage
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quality of life, regardless
theChange preposition
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type of
the Correct article usage
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job. In my opinion, I see that an amusing occupation is far more crucial
stress freeAdd a hyphen
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working life.
to the high achievement resulted from pleasant work time.
On one hand, proponents who support the idea of
the Correct article usage
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better trades
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
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oneCorrect pronoun usage
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with more
claimCorrect pronoun usage
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type of job position will be effective in supporting the demands of the family.
, it will give
the Correct article usage
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individuals the opportunities to pursue leisure activities.
a substantial salary would give the employee a better chance to save
, an Iraqi friend of mine used to work as a doctor with a
remarkableChange the word
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bigCorrect word choice
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wage. Luckily, during the unfortunate events that took place in Iraq in 1990, he was supported by the reservoirs of his own resources.
was givingWrong verb form
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him the needed power to withstand the general financial disastrous events that destroyed the whole country.
, advocates
who Correct pronoun usage
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argue about the paramount importance of pleasure during working hours. They
on the diminished stress and anxiety that ,mostly, occurs during
at Change preposition
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the peak of working hours. In other
wardCorrect your spelling
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, as the employees enjoy,
resultFix the agreement mistake
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in an increase in creativity and productivity.
the Correct article usage
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mental and physical health improvements would be
insuredCorrect your spelling
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, the debate regarding
the Correct article usage
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career quality is quite considerable.
As someCorrect word choice
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people assert that
obtained is of paramount importance. I think to be employed in an adorable work is
a Change the article
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pretty more interesting owing to the benefits mentioned above.