Nowadays, being able to wisely
wrong from good from a
age is an important skill
haveFix the infinitive
show examples
crime and
drug abuse. as it will help
wrong doingsCorrect your spelling
show examples
sparkleCorrect your spelling
show examples
of whether
if Correct word choice
show examples
teachers should
teach moral values, or solely focus
inChange preposition
show examples
academic areas. From my point of view teachers and
should work together to teach moral values.
essay will analyse the most significant points from both statements.
On the one hand, those who think that educators should help students the difference between what is socially
considerWrong verb form
show examples
orCorrect word choice
show examples
bad. It is because they have more experience and methodology to explain difficult and complicated subjects,
speciallyReplace the word
show examples
in the
of information provided and the type of words
moreCorrect your spelling
show examples
easyReplace the word
show examples
to understand.
forCapitalize word
show examples
example, a survey
in "
PeoplesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
magazine" said that 82% of students were more
after their parents try to explain to them why is bad to lie.
, Educators are better
to makeChange preposition
show examples
topics easy to understand for pupils,
, parents must fortify
theChange the word
show examples
adquared moral
, those who
the previews view and think tutors
only concentrate on
academicalReplace the word
show examples
is Unnecessary verb
show examples
because Moral Values are
, as they are subjected to each person's interpretation.
which means that
one individual
considerChange the verb form
show examples
acceptably good, for
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
it can be considered bad.
, smoking is acceptable for some people
otherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
consider it deplorable. As
it is dangerous to
relayCorrect your spelling
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
a third person ( in
pedagogesCorrect your spelling
) to teach kids their own moral perspective. For
theCorrect your spelling
show examples
that Correct word choice
show examples
pupils can be easily influenced especially for
, In
a deem of a secondary school incentivised his students to try
Correct article usage
show examples
peruvianChange the capitalization
show examples
drug) because he was a practitioner and
believeWrong verb form
show examples
it to be
, the importance of
parentsChange noun form
show examples
validation of the information
at school.
In conclusion, it is imperative to
and Morality for the reasons
Tutors have
a Correct article usage
show examples
technics to make the right information reach
childrens'Change noun form
show examples
mindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, it should always be validated and reinforced by guardians. It is predicted that in future if a cooperation tactic is implemented, it will
numbersFix the agreement mistake
show examples
Add an article
show examples
kidFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with better
of right and wrong.