The first piechart illustrates energy consumption in Australian homes and the second one compares the greenhouse gas emissions in the process. The units are in percentage.
, it can be seen that the majority of household energy was used on heating, whilst water heating was the highest emitter of carbon, even without spending the most.
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To begin
, looking at the first chart in detail, a portion of 42% was recorded on heating. Linking Words
is almost half of all energy supply to homes. Linking Words
In addition
, a substantial fraction of 30% was spent on water heating. Linking Words
other appliances expended about 15%, cooling and lighting used less than 5%.
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, considering the greenhouse emission compared in the second pie chart, aqua heating was the most significant emitter at 32%. Linking Words
is followed by other appliances, with a 28% rate of pollution. Despite having an enormous power consumption, heating only expelled 15% of carbon into the environment. Linking Words
, Cooling released 2%, Linking Words
the least generally.Linking Words