IELTS Problem and Solution Writing Samples Band 7

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Nowadays, cars have increased dramatically as some people find it easier to reach to their work and other places. This essay will analyse the sudden increase of the cars and what can we do to stop them.
Large cities are usually economic hubs of a country. Cities are usually more densely populated when compared to towns and villages. People in cities face numerous problems due to pollution, population, traffic etc. Let's discuss a few of these problems, and possible solutions in the following paragraphs.
In this present world, interaction among some individuals has taken another turn due to recent advancements in technology. This essay will first discuss how technology has resulted in a rise in virtual friendships, and then discuss how this is considered a negative trend.
Air and water quality is decreasing because of both industry and construction in several developing countries, around the globe. Thus, the need of the hour is to combat this problem. Better government policies and judicious usage of recycling methods can help prevent this.
It is believed by some that hiking the price of fuels, with petrol in particular, will help in curbing vehicular traffic and their subsequent pollution in urban localities. In my opinion, increased fuel prices may prevent people from using vehicles frequently and subsequently, lower traffic issues and vehicle pollution. However, I doubt it will bring any major change to our current situation.
Younger generations in some nations are avoiding their right to vote. The main problem this causes is that leaders cannot address the issues of young people and the most viable solution is for the government to sponsor awareness campaigns in media and colleges.
In this modern world, the internet has though revolutionised the information sharing process but at the same time. It has given birth to various unanticipated problems that people are facing nowadays. Although the problems are inevitable, but solutions do exist.
Nowadays, It is clear that more and more people are migrating to urban areas for education and the better life. This mass migration has caused, one of the biggest problems of society in the form of overpopulation. This problem is becoming worse and worse, particularly in the Asian countries. This essay will look at some of the problems of this and propose some solutions.
The diseases such as obesity were considered to be meant for grownups only but now it is becoming more common in children. The primary cause of this problem is the popularity of fast foods and the most viable solution is to educate children about the effects of being obese.
It is argued that government should raise taxes on fast food since many peoples are suffering from health conditions. In my opinion, I agree that government bodies should increase tax rates on junk foods. Firstly, this essay will discuss about the benefits of raising rates and Secondly, how these raised rates affect the fast food consumptions.
Most people now use cars as their main form of transport. An increase in this trend during the last century has contributed to major traffic congestion in cities, and to a decline in the quality of our environment. This essay will look at how this is occurring and what can be done to address this problem.
The prevalence of unhealthy meals is a serious issue today owing to the health complications which could arise from these meals. However, many people have found it challenging to regularly eat the appropriate diet essential for health. This essay will consider the main barriers to maintaining a healthy diet before proposing two promising solutions.
In many places around the world, young people are choosing not to vote. This results in them missing out on opportunities to have a say in decisions that will affect their futures and a possible solution is to make voting compulsory for all people who are eligible.
Throughout our history, man has wandered to newer lands and fertile river beds in search of occupational stability. The dawn of the 21st century has brought tremendous changes in technology which has had serious implications on human connections, mobility and work cultures.
Nowadays, wealthy nations are becoming wealthier and financially down countries are getting poorer. This essay will discuss cause of this development and solution to mitigate this issue.
The enormous growth in the use of the internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to the way that people consume and share information. Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions.
These days many people struggle to eat healthy food consistently. A primary cause of this trend is the availability of cheap and quick dining options for people who don’t make time to prepare healthy food at home. For these people, the solution involves allocating more time for grocery shopping and cooking.
It is true that people in industrialized nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems.
Nowadays, due to possessing gigantic funds, marketing and promotional people focus become more to the products from large businesses. There are certain problems associated with this and there are some solutions to convince people to opt for local products.
Over the last ten years, western societies have seen close to a 20% rise in the number of children who are overweight. This essay will discuss some reasons why this has occurred and examine the consequences of this worrying trend.
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