IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Online shopping stores have become a very common trend not only among average youth but also the other groups. The majority of people tend to buy anything available online because of its significant benefits. In my view,
In this modern world, the community have more choices to buy clothes online shops due to convenience and effortlessness to get other brands and types. In my opinion, shopping online has a positive impact and a negative i
In the world of digitalization, online purchasing is widely known, particularly for travel, magazines, and grocery shopping. However, it is clearly the future of buying items. The writer agrees with the statement because
Purchasing items, for example, books, air tickets, and groceries online is becoming common in society. Although, it may lack delivery on time, I believe, it brings more positive impacts on people's lives because of the
Purchasing items, for example, books, air tickets, and groceries online is becoming common in society. Although, it may lack of delivery on time, I believe, it brings more positive impacts on people's lives because of co
The Internet has become a part and parcel of our lives. We can not imagine a life without the Internet. By using a website, people can get done their work from home. Nowadays, we are not required to go out shopping beca
The Internet has become a part and parcel of our lives. We can not imagine a life without the Internet. By using a website, people can get done their work from home. Nowadays, we are not required to go out shopping beca
Internet has become a parts and parcel of our life. We can not imagine a life without an internet. By using an website, people can get done their work from home. Now a days, we do not require to go out for shopping becau
There is no doubt that these days online shopping have become tha largest platform to sell and buy things such as book,clothes and groceries.buying things online have a several point can lead to advantages and disadvanta
Purchasing things such as books air tickets, groceries, etc. on online platforms via the Internet has become mainstream these days. From my perspective, this notion brings positive aspects more than negative ones and my
Plenty of people change their own method of payment and purchase to buy something through online websites. It has its advantages and disadvantages. In my view, this statement has more positive income than negative and th
The purchase of items such as books, air tickets or groceries on the Internet is becoming more widespread. This essay will demonstrate that online shopping is extremely convenient for everyone,especially for people who a
The purchase of items on the Internet is becoming more widespread. This essay will demonstrate that online shopping is extremely convenient, however, this causes a great number of online frauds.
Nowadays, many people claim that buying things on Internet is more convenient than going out shopping because in this day and age the numurous of the nation doesn't have much time to go shopping or do any relaxing activ
Nowadays, it becomes increasingly common to buy things on the Internet like books, air tickets and groceries. In this essay, I will explain why the benefits of buying things online overshadow the potential drawbacks.
Nowadays, technology has been and will continuously evolving. The progression to technology is done to make human more convenient to do their activities. One of them is shopping. With modern technology, shopping activit
Nowadays, people are starting to shop online, and this business model is becoming more and more common. In the near future, we might not have physical store anymore. It is agreed that digital shopping has more positive i
In the contemporary epoch , the world has come a long way . The Internet plays a significant role in our lives . The Internet makes our Life very convenient and comfortable . Take example we can book tickets for flights
Now with the development of science and technology online shopping is becoming more and more convenient, do you think online shopping is better or worse? In my opinion I think online shopping is good.
Shopping online offers several advantages, but whether they outweigh the disadvantages depends on individual preferences. One advantage is the convenience of shopping from anywhere at any time, without the need to travel
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