IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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According to many people, investing money on the arts is a waste of money. They claim that the government’s expenditure should be used more for public services like hospital and school. This essay will discuss both sides
According to a section of society, funding on arts by government is acceptable ; However, Others expect regime is spending more in public services such as education and health. In my opinion, government should be investi
These days, the regime spends a large part of its budget not only on public services, but also the arts. Although I agree that it is important to spend money on public services, I do not think spending on the arts is a w
Arts is an important sector for the authority of any nations, to invest in. Arts encourages tourism in a particular nation. It gives an opportunity for the country to exhibit her culture, style and lifestyle to visitors.
It is one of the fads that many countries nowadays pour more funds in art and many people hold the view spent money on arts is necessary, while another group of thinkers support that government funds should be invested o
Although the government is responsible for solving problems other than funding different sectors in the economy every year, the debate of allocating funds to other programs such as health and education rather than focusi
In today’s world, the using of the national budget is a heated topic which is collecting many different opinions. Some people argue that the government should invest in the art while others think health and education are
Arts is an important sector for the government of any country, to invest in. Arts encourages tourism in a particular nation. It gives an opportunity for the country to exhibit her culture, style and lifestyle to visitors
Whereas some argue that it is right that the government spends a lot of money on the arts, others claim that the government should invest more on health and education. In my opinion, although arts are relevant for societ
Education is a critical component for children and youth, and there are perceptions about the learning being an important factor among older age groups and investment in this area should be increased by the state. Yes, l
Education in a general is the first priority of the most governments in the nations. the mintry of education in many countries continuosly develop programes to improve and enhance the level of education. one of these
Governments, either developed or developing countries, are responsible for improving lives of their people, however people has contrasting views about the method. Some people think that government should provide more res
There is a growing argument that Governments should focus more investment on education adults and in particular, people who are illiterate as there is already enough emphasis placed on the development of young people in
The focus of education has long been a subject of heated debate around the world. While some people hold the view that special attention should be directed towards illiterate adults, others place emphasis on youth educat
In the modern world, education is increadibly essential with everyone not only children but also adult. There are an idea that authority should give more budget to help adults who are unable to read or write. In my opini
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