In today’s world, traffic and pollution are a huge obstacle to overcome in every nation. Despite the claims of some, I feel that an increase in the cost of petrol is certainly not a better method to deal with such issues
Gasoline is sometimes referred to as black gold. Although, by hearing the price, the fuel might not be in the purchasing power of an average citizen, resulting in lower consumption. However, I believe that it will not so
Traffic and pollution have become issues that are on the increase and the best method of resolving these is by raising the fee at which fuel is sold. In my opinion, I disagree with this solution because instead of solvin
In today’s world, traffic and pollution are a huge obstacles to overcome in every nation. An increase in the cost of petrol is certainly not a better method to deal with such issues. This essay explains the reason to sup
Pollution has increased day by day and it is one of the paramount issue. It is irrefutable that all the countries faced this problem.In this modern era, some people articulate that, by increasing the price of petrol we c
It is believed by some people that raising the price of petrol can solve the ever increasing traffic problem and pollution. In my opinion, I disagree with this belief because it will primarily affect people of low socioe
In this fast-paced era, pollution and traffic are the major concerns across the world some people believe that hiking petrol prices are a great way to restrict traffic and control environment issues with pollution. This
The traffic congestion and pollution problems cannot be resolved by raising the price of fuel. I completely disagree with the statement, because these kinds of initiatives only put a burden on people. We should and persu
There is no doubt that transportation and pollution from vehicles have become huge problems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere. Solving these problems is likely to need more than a simple rise in the price of pe
Raising the price of the fuel is the excellent solution to handle increased traffic and contamination issues? The idea of increasing the tariff of the gas is not efficient to solve traffic and pollution problems. Becaus
Pollution and travel congestion have become one of the biggest threats in the cities as well as in motorways. Simply, increasing the prices of gasoline is not the way to tackle these problems. This essay will discuss the
In contemporary society, traffic and contamination become overwhelming problems. Some people hold the view that the most effective method to solving these problems is to raise the price of petrol. From my perspective, de
Over the last century, our cities faced unprecedented growth of traffic congestion and as a result of this, we encounter a litany of environmental pollutions. Some experts believe that the rising cost of petrol is the be
To get rid of increasing traffic and pollution, the one of the obvious methods considered is by raising the price of petrol. In my opinion, I agree that the increment in the cost of petrol helps to solve the problem of t
For some time now, growing traffic and ever so increasing pollution because of it has been a terrible issue to deal with. While increasing the price of fuel is surely one way to curb the problem, there are some other eff
Overpopulation, in broad terms, is widely accepted as a growing concern, particularly in the reasons stricken by it. The issue with the problems caused by it and their potential solution is critically vital in the perspe
Overpopulation, in broad terms, is widely accepted as a growing concern particularly in the reasons stricken by it. The issue on the problems caused by it and their potential solution is critically vital in the perspecti
Pollution and traffic are becoming global problems so it is proposed by a few people to increase the price of fuel to control this. In my opinion, the rise of price will put financial strain on the low income group,there
In general, there are many other remedies to cure the current ongoing traffic issue. Hike of the fuel price is the worst possible way to get rid of the day to day traffic problems. I completely disagree with this statem