In this competitive world, most of the parents pressure their children to succeed in their life. The main reason for this behaviour is pressure from the scociety and fear of facing challenges in life. I totally agree tha
Nowadays, unfortunately children were exposure to pressure. Definitely it's correct some parents especially blame to their children for unsuccess. I think shouldn't be thing. But now people being want specifically becom
Nowadays, the parents and their children relationship are so different. It is argued that, the majority of mothers and fathers imply immense pressure on their offspring to make them successful. I strongly disagree with t
Children are pressured by most of the parents to achieve success. I agree with this statement because, they want their children to achieve financial freedom and better social status in future.
In our modern world, more and more adults have been increasing their concern about their kids' future. In the present, to ensure that children will succeed, parents push them harder. This essay will explain some of the r
Huge amount of pressure is put on children by their parents because parents believe taht it is the way to raising a successful child. From point of my view, putting pressure more than they can carry is very harmful for c
Some parents feel that their children can surely succeed if put under incredible pressure. I absolutely disagree with this. In my opinion, children should be given the courage to fail and the freedom to succeed on their