IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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These days it could be hard to organize a family ceremony like a wedding, but if there is a concrete plan, there will not be any worries. This essay will indicate some problems associated with this event and propose some
Large family events, such as weddings, are significant occasions that bring joy and celebration. However, they can also be sources of stress due to the challenges they present. Perhaps , this party will cause great losse
A big family is having a ceremony or small brunch nearby, planning a family gathering can be stressful. This essay would provide problems from this topic and also will illustrate practical solutions to tackle them.
Arranging a large family party, such as a marriage ceremony, can be a challenging endeavor. It often involves managing budgets, coordinating logistics, and navigating complex relationships. However, with proper planning
The organization of the celebration is a big deal. This event is a special occasion to family reunion and more connected to each other.However, planing for this kind of event , especially people who have large families c
people who would like to hold a great ceremony, especially a wedding, usually encounter some issues, particularly in terms of money. Although, every problem can be solved by an efficient solution. In this essay, I will d
It’s clear that running a large family celebration can cause many problems. in the following essay, I will discuss the problems and mention how you can solve it.
The main purpose of family event and celebration is to bring happiness for family member and bring all together specially todays people are getting even more busy and rarely find a chance to meet each other. These ki
For some people, a wedding celebration is a significant affair. However, this event is a special occasion to gather happily and cheerfully. Still, planning for this kind of event, particularly for those with large famili
A large family gathering, for instance marriage occasion, is likely to cause problems. The issues of sitting arrangements and availability of food are significant problems that can arise due to improper organization. Acc
It is true that the process of setting up a large family event can cause many problems. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the issues and how to tackle them.
A large family event is a place for all people to have the happiness. But, in the process of setting up the celebration, making mistakes is inevitable. In the following essay, I will discuss some of the issues and how to
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