IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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As modern-day stresses increase, people are looking for ways to relieve that stress. Hence, the increased popularity of shopping. As the debate on its positive and negative results are ongoing, I am going to discuss why
It is commonly seen that these days buying is just becoming a free time activity. This has more merits and demerits, as believed by some individuals. This essay will discuss; firstly, popularity due to showing off social
Shopping is very popular among the majority of the population, despite their age or social standards. This is due to the fact that most people find shopping as an experience which makes a difference in their day to day l
Although consumerism is increasing in popularity, some defend this lifestyle while others believe it can be detrimental. This essay will examine why shopping is popular and what are the results of this attitude.
Shopping is the very prominent among the people and it is the free-time activity. Nowadays, it is becoming famous and trendy where people spend their free time either in shopping malls or exploring the online e-commerce
Ever since industrialization, there has been an upward trend in consumerism. However, with the rise in per capita income of the people, shopping is gaining the status of a leisure activity. And this has both merits and
The trend of shopping is growing rapidly among people. Many people consider pleasure time while others say that it is the waste of time. So, in this essay I will discuss my both views and als give some suggestions.
In the current scenario, shopping has become a breathing spell and many individuals have adopted this occupation for pleasure in their free time. Even though, many people deduce that buying has bad outcomes, I, on the ot
In modern era people aspire to maintain a social status and like to showcase quality of life. The nowadays stature of an individual is measured by luxuries, they are surrounded by. So there is a continuous race to add sh
An emerging hobby in society is shopping, which shows its ever increasing popularity. some argued by that, it has both encouraging and dsicouraging consequencies on individual and society. To follow the latest fashion tr
Shopping has become a famous leisure activity among people, it is mainly due to availability of liquid cash with people. In this essay we shall discuss its effect on a person and society.
Nowadays, people tend to spend plethora of time in shopping malls and on e-commerce websites. This is developing shopping into a hobby rather than an activity to fulfill their needs. This essay is going to examine the re
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