IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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For the overall development of children, including subjects like music, art, drama and creative writing along with subjects like math and science is of utmost importance. Many people believe that these extracurricular su
Many people believe that these extracurricular subjects should be added with other academic subjects to the syllabus. For the overall development of children, including subjects like music, art, drama and creative writin
For the all round development of children, it is of utmost importance to have a good combination of academic and non academic subjects. I completely agree that subjects such as music, art, drama and creative writing can
School subjects have evolved along two lines: academic and extracurricular. Some people advocate that too much emphasis is placed on the former and that the balance of pupil’s timetables should gravitate towards extracur
The arts have little or no place in the educational curriculum so far because we have a feeling that the time spent on these things is time wasted. Recent studies, however, have shown that a good syllabus that includes a
I live 2blocks from your home I think you have five dogs it’s kind of nerve-racking when your dogs bark at midnight specially at time between 2 to 5am. In addition one of my son have been chasing with your dogs on the s
In the modern world, many people are willing to include some art subjects such as acting, painting and singing into the school curriculum. However, others feel that educational institutions should only focus on the scien
It is argued that the importance of children studying non-academic subjects at primary schools is no less than studying other academic ones. In my opinion, I agree that introducing music, art and drama is of great benefi
Arts have little or no place in the educational curriculum so far because we have a feeling that time spent on these things is time wasted. Recent studies, however, have shown that a good curriculum tha
Art is one of the integral part of our daily life which helps children to shape their career. Therefore, more than few people suggest that art related subjects such as music, drama and creative writing should be included
Punishing young children with adult punishment often has many disagreements. First and foremost, children are not responsible for their action and they need to be re-educated and re-socialised.
Many argue that courses like music, drama and creative writing are vital while educating, so each school ought to incorporate them into its curriculum. I totally agree with this opinion, because such education contribute
The potential of music, drama and creative writing often give niche to an individual. However, the basic education has been a primary focus in the schools like mathematics, science. In this essay, I shall argue some pr
For the holistic development of children, schools should have a perfect mix of academic as well as non-academic subjects. According to some people, it should be made compulsory for students to learn music, acting and cre
Art subjects such as music, drama and creative writing are fundamentals that enrich our lives. However, some parents say schools concentrate on teaching more academic subjects, such as mathematics, science, literature an
It is an irrefutable fact that Education is the most vital part in a child’s development. Many people opine that the disciplines such as art, music, drama and creative writing largely contribute to the holistic developme
According to a group of people in the society, children should be made to spend more time on creative art and related subjects in the schools since they believe it brings huge success in the future but in reality, career
In recent years,the issue about what subjects are important in schools is becoming a debatable issue.Some individuals say that art courses such as music,drama and creative writing should be inculcated in the school curri
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