IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some parents believe that TV plays a negative role in watching of their children, whereas others argue that it still has significantly advantages impacts on children's growth. Both views are hold valid justifications, ho
There is no doubt that watching television is seen as a potential part of people's lives. However, some people argue that watching television is bad for children, while others believe that it has many benefits for childr
In temporary days, with the era of high technological development and industrial revolution,.. children watching TV is being concerned on the populations from different parts of the world. The vast majority debated that
Whether or not letting children watch television will have detrimental effects on their health is still a controversial argument. The writer believes that it will cause a sense of addiction and a lack of general behaviou
While it is widely claimed that watching TV is beneficial for children when they become adults, some argue that TV is bad for offspring. Both points of view and the reason why I believe that TV has more positive effects
People fall into two camps as to whether watching Tv affects teenagers badly or not .Although watching TV yields benefits for teens, however, İ strongly believe asser that parents ought to place a cap on watching TV fo
Watching television has become extremely popular among children in recent years. While some think TV has detrimental effects on children, others say TV is useful for kids because it provides educational value and can be
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