IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The enormous consumption of computers in recent years There has been a significant increase, in addition, these alterations make easy access to children to computers and games. Although, this is a serious problem there a
Access to computers has increased significantly over recent decades, and the number of children who play games on computers has increased too moreover computer games have attracted numerous young players.
Nowadays, because the technology develops rapidly and modernly, access to computers is becoming more and more popular for everyone, even for children. Therefor, the children have many opportunities to exposed with playin
It is true that today computers are getting much prevalence among individuals and particularly children who are likely to span their time by engaging in it. While, children deteriorate their creativities and academic per
PCs have generally entered the individual existence of people that everybody is presented to them on a lot more extensive scale and kids, specifically, have gotten dependent on gaming on PCs; be that as it may, PC games
It is undeniable that computers have become one of the most popular inventions of the science. Therefore, these days computer is easily accessible for the majority of people and that is why children are much concerned to
In this techno-savvy era, the use of computer is increasing among folks especially within children for games. This essay will discuss that how these computer games become harmful for health and distraction from study. Al
The computer has become an integral part of modern people life. Along with beneficial sides it has its dangerous downsides, especially for young generation, obsessed with computer games. This essay will examine the main
It is a fact that in today's world, millions of people get access to computers, widely because which are known as user-friendly devices. Also, a dramatic number of youngsters today are enraptured with computer games. Thi
With the advancement of information technology, computers have become accessible to everyone, making computer games more convenient and readily available, even for children. However, there are several adverse effects of
There is no exception that computers these days are the most widely used device by many either for work or fun-based activities and it is quite apparent that many children use it for playing games. This essay will discus
Computer usage is increasingly getting popular nowadays. Children mainly use it for playing games, which can create various advers e effects on them. This essay will provide an insight into these problems along with sui
These days, several persons could use computer systems for variety of things, and an increasing number of young ones engage themselves in playing games on laptops and tablets. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of
At present few individuals use laptops on day to day basis, while majority of the teenagers involve themselves in computer games. The following essay will discuss about its negative effects and suggest points to diminish
In this modern era, technological advancements have been growing at a very high pace. The influence of advancing technology can be seen in computer games with better graphics and incredible user experience. These days, c
Access to *information technology* has increased significantly over recent decades, and the *youth* playing games on *gadgets* has *led to it's overuse* *as well* . The main problem this *has caused* is violence, and the
Access to technology has increased significantly over recent decades, and the children playing games on gadgets has escalated too. The main problem this has caused is violence, and the most viable solution is a public aw
Access to technology has increased significantly over recent decades, and the children playing games on gadgets has increased too. The main problem this has caused is violence, and the most viable solution is a public aw
Access to a computer has increased significantly over recent decades, and the children playing games on computers has increased too. The main problem this cause is violence, and the most viable solution is a public aware
It is truly said that nowadays computers are popular and easy to use a tool in human life. However, playing games on computers of young people are gradually increasing. This is lead to a wide range of negative effects on
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