IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Entertainment is an essential part of human life and watching films is an integral part of this. In recent times, there has been a shift of people's preference from theatres to mobiles or tablets, in watching movies. How
Due to advancement in technology, the way we see movies have changed. It is often argued that there is no need to go in movie complex for films as we can watch it on a
Technology and films have always shared an inverse relation. Better the technology, reduced are the options for cinema houses. However, an individual's choice to opt for watching films depends on various factors. In my e
Advancement in technology and invention of electronic gadgets such as smart phones, tablets and laptops offers plethora of benefits to each category of the society. Due to which, some people tend to watch movies on these
Whether or not individuals should watch movies on the modern gadgets, such as mobile phones has become a controversial issue.While some people believe that the need to go to multiplexes has reduced, others are in favour
Along with the introduction of technology into our daily life, many activities that people used to do in the past are being altered. While many old fashioned individuals prefer to watch movies at the movie house, others
Books are a great source to gain knowledge, our career starts with studying books in schools. Other side, experience also help us to increase our skills in the professional field. In my point of view, books will play an
In this modern world, many people are reckoned to think that watching movies on mobile and tablets is better than going to the cinema, while some differ with this. After pondering over this phenomenon, I deem to agree wi
In modern times the topic about what is the best way to watch a movie has become highly controversial. It is often said that the best option is to watch films using smartphones or tablets, although others feel that it ca
It has been said by many that nowadays movies can be watched on smart phones; therefore going to the cinema is unnecessary. Along with others I however, believe that if movies are not watched in a movie theatre, total en
Popcorn, a cold drink and a thrilling movie. You can get all these things in a cinema, and it seems to be the perfect setting for a first date. However, nowadays we can see films on our phones or tablets and there is no
Some persons think that there is no need in a cinema because of ammount of gadgets with screen, but some feel that to get the most full enjoyment with a film you should be at specialy made place for that. Although, movie
Watching films on phones or tablets rather than going to cinemas is debatable. Many people enjoying movies on touch devices while others still prefer to go cinema halls. This essay will discuss both options and explain t
In the summary,People tend to watch the films either on phones or tablets as they don't have much time to watch in a cinema they choose watching it anytime like travelling or sitting at home which is more reliable than s
In my opinion,films you watch it in either phones or tablets it is the same thing you go and watch in a cinema,the only difference the comfort level of watching like the sound system and effect is far better in cinemas w
Some people argues that nowadays no one want to visit cinema theatre as movies are available in portable gadgets such as smartphones or computer. However, many still believes that inorder to enjoy films at its fullest, i
Watching movie is one of the pastime activities for most of the people around the world. Some people feel comfortable to watch movie on gadgets. Whereas, others believe, watching film sitting in a picture palace have mor
We live in a fast paced world and movies are the biggest source of entertainment for us. Whether we should watch it on electronic gadgets or in a cinema is an oft-heard question. In my opinion, movies should be watched o
It is widely argued that watching movies on our laptops or mobile phones is comfortable and fun , whereas another group of people opine that watching movies in theater gives an amazing experience. Let us discuss both the
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