An increasing number of people and institutions are using digital technology for communication. Even though this has brought many benefits like communicating easily and being less costly, this also has some drawbacks suc
As far as I can judge, Presently, the majority of people ponder that, the government should be paying attention to decreasing environmental contamination and accommodation problems, Meanwhile, these endeavours can influe
Enviromental damage is occuring at a very fast pace and people know that it is a global pirority to save the enviroment. Some of a group feedback that people should protect sickness and disease before unhealthy.In this c
In this cutting-edge era public face a lot of health risks and diseases behind this situation some people say that government should focus more on reducing environmental problems and household problems. In my point of vi
In today's world, the biggest issue is illness and diseases. Some believe that the most efficient solution to handle this problem is that environmental pollution and housing problems should be reduced by the authority b
Some people hold opinion that governments should pay more attention to addressing environmental problems and housing issues to stop illnesses and diseases. I do not agree this idea, although it can be useful in some aspe
No doubt, people’s health is influenced by the environment and housing conditions. That is why some people opine that governments should focus more on the environment and housing to prevent various ailments. While I do a