Children, since their birth, are always in learning mode. Either from their parents or from their surroundings, i.e. friends, television, society at large. As children are young, they will observe and follow their parent
Friends are an integral part of our life. According to one school of thought, friends that have similar views about different things should be selected while others say, mates that can disagree at times should be chosen.
There is no doubt that friends are the second-best relationship one can have, after family. There are contentious perspectives about how to choose acquaintances. One of the views is that they need to be the one who remai
Friends are meant to be lifetime companions. We make friendships across all stages our life, starting from kindergarten to college, from office to post retirement. Our buddies remains with us in all moments of our life s
Friends are the most beautiful part of our life. Everyone had made some or many friends during their schooling, high schools, workplaces and in their day to day life. Friendship is one of the relation, which a person has
Friends are meant to be lifetime companions. We make friendships across all stages our life starting from kindergarden to college, from office to post retirement. Our buddies remains with us in all moments of our life sp
Friends are the most beatiful part of our life. Everyone have made some or many friends during their schooling, high schools, work places and in their day to day life. Friendship is one of the relation, which a person ha
Advance developments of technologies can easily connect people by social media and and internet access. Although, some people thought it is beneficial, others argue that old ways communication is still vital. I firmly
Making new friends through the social media and online chat groups, such as We Chat and Facebook became very popular in citizen’s everyday live. Some people believe this method is great, but others hold an idea of a face
In the advancement in technology, social media platforms are becoming an indespensable part of a contemporary society. People prefer socialising through these platforms than meeting in person. This is both a boon and a b
It is unquestionable fact that friendship is the greatest relationship among other relations. A school of thought is of the opinion that it is better to make friends with the same nature, whereas others refute it and bel
It is unquestionable fact that friendship is one of the great relationships among other relations. A school of thought is of the opinion that it is better to make friends with the same nature, where as others refute it a
With the advancement in technology, social media platforms are becoming an indispensable part of the contemporary society. People prefer socialising through these platforms than meeting in person. This is both a boon and
People believe's that, we need to select the friends based on the same thinking as we do. Others believe that it should be quite opposite. Well, I completely disagree with the aforementioned statement. This essay will di
It is believed by some that having friends who share the same thought as you is more important than a friend who has a differing opinion. In my opinion, I believe that having companions with an opposing view is better.
It is an undeniable fact that picturing life without friendship seems impossible. In fact, friends plays a major role in people’s lives as they allow them not to be alone and to have fun and entertainment in life.(Actual
Friends unquestionably play a crucial role in one’s life. Although some people are of the view that it is good to select friends who do not show the difference of opinion, in my view, it is better to have friends who can
People talk to others over social networking sites and develop friendship with them. In my opinion, it is a good thing as it helps in creating bigger network and greater availability of friends than face to face circle