IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some voices claim that authorities should tackle the issue of increasing overweight in children, while others hold that families are to insure healthy habits for the young. This essay discusses both perspectives and argu
Some people think that the government is responsible for the rise in obesity in children, while others think it is the fault of parents. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The increasing overweight rates among minors raise the question of accountability. While some voices claim that authorities should tackle the issue, others hold that families are to insure healthy habits for the young. T
The charts illustrate the percentage of people's cooking and eating out and the trend of consuming Fast-Food and Sit-down Restaurant Meals each decades between 1970 to 2000.
Many people think that government bears more responsibility for the increase of obesity problems in children, while others say that parents are liable. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument in detail and pro
The past 10 years have seen a dramatic increase in obesity of children in most of the socities. Some would argue that these situation had been created by governments while other argue that it happend by their parents. I
Earlier, obesity used to be the major problems among adults. Recent studies show that the number of obese children is increasing drastically. Number of children can be seen on the street, who are flatulent. I consider ob
Obesity is one of the common issues found among children these days. Both government and parents play a role in giving importance to foods causing obesity among children but more weight will towards parents. In the follo
Some people in our world believe that legal bodies are mainly reasonable for increase in overweight in children, while some other people think parents are responsible for children obesity. In my opinion, i agree that bot
I believe that the worrying increase of infant obesity is mostly determined by negligence of the parents. For some people though, the main responsibility of the increasing number of obesities in children, is on the gover
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