The pie graph illustrates the proportion of consumption of water for different goals namely industrial use, agricultural use ,and domestic use in six nations north and South America , Europe, Africa , central Asia , and
The bar graph illustrates the percentages of using the Internet in Taiwan by four different ages less than 15, 15-30 years , 31 to 50 years ,and 50 or more from 1998 to 2000.
The following bar chart illustrates the total proportion of families who rented and owned their places in the two distinct types of countries from 1918 to 2011.
The table illustrates the movement of million international traveler that happened from 1990 to 2005 and changes at 5 different areas (Africa, America, Asia and the pacific, Europe and Middle East).
The graph demonstrates the proportion of individuals who were living in four Asian countries, such as Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia from 1970 to 2020, also provides the probability number of people for 2030
The chart displays information about details of spending weekly income of families in one country between 1968 and 2018.Overall, most of the spending on weekly income in 1968 was higher than in 2018. While, there are 3 a
The pie charts compare data about the percentage of the popularity of 3 various fast food companies namely, KFC, McDonald's, and Burger King among young generations of Vietnam and Indonesia at 2 points in time that is 2
The table illustrates the percentages of cyclists in the unknown town in 2011, divided by the age bands and genders. In conclusion, females have a higher tendency to use bikes compared to males. In terms of age, the high
The bar chart details the constituent elements of India’s GDP divided into the agriculture, industry, and service sectors from 1960 to 2000. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that services becam
A glance at the table given illustrates the percentages of cyclist's population in a particular city in 2011. The table reveals the age band contains in 5 age groups and 2 genders (female and male).