The line charts provide key information about the proportion of people who went to England between 1980 and 2010. The units are measured in percentages.
The provided chart depicts the number of adults contributing to different major sports in an area both in 1997 and 2017. Overall, tennis always become the most popular sport, while basketball remains the fewest among adu
The illustration below shows the sightseer's arrival in various parts of the globe. It can be seen that North America has the highest number of visitors, while South America has the lowest number of tourists.
The line graph demonstrates the proportion of visitors who visited four different tourist attractions in Brighton, England between 1980 and 2010. Overall, it can be seen clearly that the Pier and Pavilion's tourists dec
Two juxtaposed images illustrate the differences between the plans of Porth Harbour from 2000 to today. At first glance, the harbour was reconstructed in a way to support tourism in which accommodations and different com