IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Today, it is often heard that schools organise immersion trips for students to partake in. Undeniably, I agree with the notion that international exchange visits are important as students can learn the different backgrou
It is believed by some educational experts that international exchange would benefit all adolescents in schools. In my view, the advantages of exchange study in a foreign country outweigh its disadvantages.
Some of the coaches are believed that exchange the learner from aboard is helpful for all of teenage students who are schooled in nowadays. A person who is swap to international for study in a short time period should be
The mixture of pupil international student and domestic leaner can make lot impact on lot different ways. Some teachers believe that it is fruitful to have an international scholar in schools while others believe it have
Education has open many ways for children. Some teachers argue that international exchange programs have the significant advantage while some claim that there are some drawbacks of further abroad studies. However, I will
Nowadays, the era of globalization facilitates student exchange programs between nations across the globe. While it is believed that teenagers can reap great benefits, I advocate that drawbacks, these programs bring to s
Nowadays, the era of globalization facilitates student exchange programs between nations across the globe. While it is believed that teenagers can reap great benefits, I advocate that drawbacks these programs bring to st
Recently, Exchanges Programs that students have opportunities to meet and learn with others from all over the world have been receiving a great deal of public attention. Although this trend is not without disadvantages,
As the world needs connections amongst countries, international exchange campaigns for teenagers have been initiated in order to help them with their skills, skills and knowledge. While I recognize several drawbacks of t
International student exchange programs are gaining worldwide popularity recently. One section of tutors believes that it would be favourable to send high school pupils in an exchange program to a foreign country. In thi
These days, many teachers support the idea of the international student exchange programme because it is believed that this would enhance the boundaries of a teenager. However, there are others who think of it as disadva
There is a common belief that international student exchange programs would bring benefits to all participants. Despite some obvious disadvantages of this projects, I believe that there are outweighed by the advantages.
Tutor always analysis that international student change will be benefits for all teenagers school learners. In my point of view,i am quate sure that it is more beneficial in every nation.
It is irrefutable that travelling brings out an unseen side of the person. While there are many benefits to student exchange program, there are also some drawbacks to consider. In this essay, I will discuss both sides of
Students who participate in international student exchange programs gain rich benefits. They return as more confident individuals with a wider perspective on life and international affairs. Needless to say many parents a
Preceptors believe on student's studying in abroad where they will get more opportunities than studying in local areas. From my perspective, although there are lots of disadvantages in participating in international stud
Owing to the scientific and technological advancements across the globe, many educational institutions in developing and underdeveloped countries thrive to cater the students with adequate skills. Many teachers believe t
In modern era, pupils are migrating to overseas for their further study which has become a common trend. Tutor think that overseas learners exchange will be fruitful for all teenagers students. However, even though this
Many teachers hold the view that international exchange programs would bring benefits to all teenage school students. It is felt that although such programs can be disadvantageous to students to a certain extent, the adv
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