the bar charts compare the percentages of Australian boys and girls from 5 to 14 years old , who participate in recreation ( bike riding, watching Tv/vedio, skateboarding/rolle blading, art and craft , Electronic)
The information about the number of teenagers who take participate in five different kinds of leisure activities is depicted by a given bar chart. The data has been calibrated in percentage.
The graph indicates the level of participation in various leisure activities between Australian boys and girls aged 5 to 14 years old. It shows what percentage of each group have enjoyed these activities, and shows which
The bar chart displays the engagement rate, by gender, of children between the ages of 5 and 14 in several leisure activities in Australia. Overall, the boys engage more than girls in almost all the activities except ar
this bar chart illustrates the proportion of younger generation in selected leisure activities in Australia. The overall trend shown between in the data is a steep rise in the boys, coupled declines in the girls