The given charts depict two different ways of protection for homes which are at risk of being flooded, and both of the houses are rised above ground level. The main difference between the two protection plans is whether
The information about the protection of buildings in the locality which is prone to floods is depicted by the given picture chart. The information is calibrated in the form of pictorial representation.
These diagrams depict the ways which can be used by people to protect houses against floods in some regions. Overall, it can be seen that buildings were constructed on columns which made them above the ground level.
The diagram illustrates the impact a stopbank can make to prevent flooding. A house without such protection has a higher risk of flooding. However, conversely, with such shielding, there might still be flooding but not h
These sequences of pictures illustrate the protection from flooding in the residences in some places. In general, there is a step back that is set up to be a barrier at the shore, and there is a long internal ponding for