These days, face-to-face communication is being replaced with online conversations using social media apps, such as Facebook, WhatsApp or Tumblr. It seems to me that the benefits these technologies have brought to our li
People are using social networking sites in the rise of technological advances at the expanse of traditional way of communication. This essay is to explain why I believe that the drawbacks of using social networks outstr
It is argued that talking to someone personally has been substituted with social media utilization. The writer thinks that the drawbacks outweigh the positive effects. This essay will discuss about the poor interpersonal
The world today witnesses the conventional face-to-face discourse being gradually supplanted by social media. While this ongoing trend appears to be advantageous, it is probably overshadowed by certain demerits, which I
In today’s fast-moving and highly connected world, social media have replaced the traditional means of face-to-face communication. In spite of this fact, certain people argue that this phenomenon contributes to worsening