IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Social Media is a dangerous place for kids.There are so many discusting things on the internet, which childs mussnt access. These things can broke the childs mental health. When these childs grow up, Some problems could
The younger generations in this contemporary time have gained an accessibility to social media more than in the past. In this essay, problems and solutions of this matter will be outlined in the following paragraphs befo
In the modern world, the development of social media is an important thing for humans, and this led to more youngsters that unsupervised access to the internet. The following essay will discuss the problem and solution o
The rapid advancement of technologies that inevitably lead to unsupervised underage to access the internet, especially social media. There are several problems that might occur such as children accessing false informatio
In recent years, with the rapid development of social media, there are an increasing number of young people who access the Internet freely which means they can browse anything they want without supervision. This essay w
Today's social media are easier to access. Especially, a number of the young generation with no proper supervision are gradually absorbing negative content from the internet. In my opinion, the main factors that allow ch
Nowadays, an increasing number of young people are being considered using social sites without being under the specialist's control. This essay will mention such issues which are related to the usage of the Internet am
Social media has taken over the entire world, with even the remotest area having an access to internet and social networking. But its advancement has resulted in teenagers being granted greater access to internet which c
With the advent of technology, social media has become a source of socialization for most of the individuals in the society, irrespective of their age, culture or status. The youth is the prominent section of the associa
A generation ago, the development of social media is more using youth are being allowed to access the internet. However, adolescents are teaching the information of much to reach. This essay will look at the core reasons
With the proliferation of social media websites and mobile applications, the use of the internet among youngsters redundant to socialise with friends is gradually increasing which has numerous detrimental impacts on them
Social media applications are becoming increasingly common and can be detrimental to children who frequently use them without any supervision to interact with old and new friends.
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