IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I'm an employee from your company in the position of Sales Accountant. I'm writing this letter to request you that this week Friday, my family and relatives are having a gathering dinner party at 6pm. The venue is just n
I am writing to request for twenty days' leave in the next month. In order to have backup resource for a smooth execution of work in my absence, I wanted to have an prior approval.
I am writing to request you grant me a leave of absence for 2 days. As you know, the customer was extremely disappointed with our previous delivery as their expectation regarding quality and the timeline of the release
I am writing this letter to let you know that I need some time due to my brother's wedding. What's more, I have a responsibility to make all the arrangements for the marriage party and invite all the guests. Therefore, I
I am writing this missive to request you know that my sister's marriage function has been scheduled for March 6,2022 and because of the rituals, it would be very laborious for me to attend the office for a few days as th
I am writing to request permission for 2 weeks time off from work from this Monday.I like to attend a program course which is normally 5 months but on this special occasion it only takes two weeks to undergo the course
I am writing this letter to bring in your kind knowledge that I would be needing a day off from office on Jan 31 2022,As I booked an appointment from an Eye-Specialist for my Daughter,as she is complaining about the shor
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