IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I hope everything is going great with you. I am glad that your landmark birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. I am really excited that you're turning 21 this year. I am writing this letter to suggest some extraordi
Last week I got an E-mail from you. In that mail, you asked some recommdations about the birthday celebrations. Next month your son first birthday is coming and you are planning to celebrate that party tremendously. Here
Dear Evelyn, I hope you're doing well, and are excited for your sweet 16 birthday next month. You should celebrate this special occasion with style, and throw a grand party to enjoy with your friends and family. Starting
Hope this finds you well. As you mentioned before, you would like to celebrate your birthday party and you are worried about the detail of your party. Therefore I am writing this to recommend to you some of my opinions.
I am very much delighted for your invitation to your birthday party and my best wishes are always with you. I am also very glad that you rely on my suggestion and writing this letter in response to your request. Let's ce
How have you been? Thank you for inviting me on your 30th birthday. I am overjoyed that we are seeing each other after so long. Oh! I have missed you so much during these years.
Hope you are doing well. It had a long time since we last met. I am really very happy to know that your birthday is coming next week. I have fascinating ideas to plan your birthday party and hope you will like them.
I'm sorry for being unavailable to meet you for a long time. At the same time, I'm very excited to share my suggestions about the celebration of your 25th birthday next fortnight.
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