Nowadays, many people change jobs quite regularly, rather than working in the one company for their entire careers. Why do you think this is happening? How can companies keep their workers?

The working
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habits have changed quite a lot in the past years. Usually one worked at the same place all his life
in the new
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it is common to be more polyvalent. In the
essay, I will explain the main reasons why it happens and some solutions from companies to keep their workers.
, education increased drastically in the
decades. Schools and Universities are no longer just for the wealthy.
in my opinion, the majority of the population has more skills and
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to achieve
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higher professional positions. With
in mind, the new generations are in constant research for a better career and do not accept being paid under their value.
For example
, someone who has a master is expecting to evolve and gain more money over the years.
, in case it is not happening, young people nowadays are not afraid of change.
, companies can stimulate their workers in order to keep them. If they make them feel accomplished they will have no apparent reason to swish.
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making them feel independent and in control of some projects.
, creating a good relationship between the team will create a healthy work environment
of stimulating criticism or, toxic competition.
To conclude
, most people have an extensive range of knowledge in our times and no longer believe in only one job. It is predictable a career that varies from different activities like having multiple income sources. Briefly, enterprises must be prepared for rotativity.
Submitted by beatriz.ccottinellimc40 on

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For a more thorough response, consider providing more specific examples and elaborating further on the reasons and solutions discussed.
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To enhance coherence and cohesion, ensure a clear progression of ideas throughout the essay. Use transition words to link sentences and paragraphs more effectively.
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